The Zoom API, but simpler and more powerful

This project is designed by educators for educators.


1. Create an "api" instance

Independently of the type of credentials you're using, you should include a Zoom hostname as env ZOOM_HOST or within the initialization function:

import initZoomAPI from 'zaccl';

const api = initZoomAPI({
  zoomHost: '',

If using a valid Zoom token, either include it in env as ZOOM_TOKEN or include it when initializing:

import initZoomAPI from 'zaccl';

const api = initZoomAPI({
  token: '<tokenHere>',

If using a JWT token, either include the key and secret as env variables ZOOM_KEY and ZOOM_SECRET or include them when initializing:

import initZoomAPI from 'zaccl';

const api = initZoomAPI({
  key: '<keyHere>',
  secret: '<secretHere>',

If using server-to-server OAuth, either include the clientId, clientSecret, and accountId as env variables ZOOM_CLIENT_ID, ZOOM_CLIENT_SECRET, and ZOOM_ACCOUNT_ID or include them when initializing:

import initZoomAPI from 'zaccl';

const api = initZoomAPI({
  zoomHost: '',
  accountId: '<accountId>',
  clientId: '<clientId>',
  clientSecret: '<clientSecret>',

2. Call an endpoint function

All endpoint functions are asynchronous, so we recommend using async/await syntax:

const submissions = await api.meeting.create({
  userId: '',
  meetingObj: {