
Functions for interacting with accounts


(async) get(opts, configopt) → {Promise.<CanvasAccount>}

  • Gabe Abrams
Get info on a specific Canvas account
Name Type Attributes Description
opts object object containing all arguments
Name Type Description
accountId number Canvas account Id to get info on
config APIConfig <optional>
custom configuration for this specific endpoint call (overwrites defaults that were included when api was initialized)

(async) list(configopt) → {Promise.<Array.<CanvasAccount>>}

  • Gabe Abrams
Get the list of accounts in the Canvas instance
Name Type Attributes Description
config APIConfig <optional>
custom configuration for this specific endpoint call (overwrites defaults that were included when api was initialized)

(async) listAdmins(opts, configopt) → {Promise.<Array.<CanvasAdmin>>}

  • Gabe Abrams
Gets the list of admins in an account
Name Type Attributes Description
opts object object containing all arguments
Name Type Description
accountId number Canvas account Id to get the list of admins from
config APIConfig <optional>
custom configuration for this specific endpoint call (overwrites defaults that were included when api was initialized)

(async) listCourses(opts, configopt) → {Promise.<Array.<CanvasCourse>>}

  • Gabe Abrams
Gets the list of active courses in an account
Name Type Attributes Description
opts object object containing all arguments
Name Type Attributes Default Description
accountId number Canvas account Id to get the list of courses from
teacherIds Array.<number> <optional>
all teachers a list of teacher ids to limit the search to
subaccountIds Array.<number> <optional>
all subaccounts a list of subaccount ids to limit the search to
hasEnrollments boolean <optional>
no filter if true, require that the course has at least one enrollment, if false, require that the course has no enrollments
atLeastOneTeacher boolean <optional>
if true, only show courses that have at least one teacher
atLeastOneStudent boolean <optional>
if true, only show courses that have at least one student
atLeastOneTA boolean <optional>
if true, only show courses that have at least one TA
atLeastOneObserver boolean <optional>
if true, only show courses that have at least one observer
atLeastOneDesigner boolean <optional>
if true, only show courses that have at least one designer
published boolean <optional>
no filter if true, only show courses that are published, if false, only show courses that are unpublished
completed boolean <optional>
no filter if true, only show courses that are completed, if false, only show courses that are not completed
blueprint boolean <optional>
no filter if true, only include blueprint courses, if false, only show courses that are not blueprints
blueprintAssociated boolean <optional>
no filter if true, require that the course be associated with a blueprint, if false, require that the course not be associated with a blueprint
state Array.<string> <optional>
no filter a list of states to limit the search to. Allowed values: created, claimed, available, completed, deleted, all
enrollmentTermId number <optional>
no filter an enrollment term to limit the scope of the search to
searchTerm string <optional>
a minimum 3 character string to search the courses by (searches course name, code, or full id)
sortColumn string <optional>
the main data column to sort the results by. Allowed values: course_name, sis_course_id, teacher, account_name
sortOrder string <optional>
the sort order to use: "asc" or "desc"
startsBefore date <optional>
If set, only return courses that start before the value (inclusive) or their enrollment term starts before the value (inclusive) or both the course's start_at and the enrollment term's start_at are set to null. Format can be an ISO 8601 string or a Date instance
endsAfter date <optional>
If set, only return courses that end after the value (inclusive) or their enrollment term ends after the value (inclusive) or both the course's end_at and the enrollment term's end_at are set to null. Format can be an ISO 8601 string or a Date instance
includeSyllabus boolean <optional>
if true, for each course, include its syllabus
includeTerm boolean <optional>
if true, for each course, include its term
includeCourseProgress boolean <optional>
if true, for each course, include its progress
includeStorageQuotaUsedMB boolean <optional>
if true, for each courses, include the number of megabytes of storage used
includeTotalStudents boolean <optional>
if true, for each course, include the total number of students
includeTeachers boolean <optional>
if true, for each course, include the teachers
includeAccountName boolean <optional>
if true, for each course, include its parent account name
includeConcluded boolean <optional>
if true, for each course, include whether the course has been concluded
config APIConfig <optional>
custom configuration for this specific endpoint call (overwrites defaults that were included when api was initialized)